Posts tagged content
Marketers Toolbox - Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is specifically made for content creation and improving the user’s search engine optimization (SEO) by using more descriptive, relevant, and specific words.

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How can Marketers Optimize their Content Length for SEO?

If a marketer wants answers around the “ideal” length of a particular piece of content, they will encounter recommendations ranging anywhere from 300 to 2,000 words, each reason having merit. Even though the formula for the perfect content length is not one-size-fits-all, two things have remained a constant for content marketers: quality content ranks well.

How long is too long for a blog? 

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Marketing to Marketers

Because marketers know how much of marketing revolves around providing value at every stage of the customer journey, they also know how to sniff out gimmicks. When trying to build loyalty amongst marketers, know that a campaign with robust discount/reward system or a partnership with a useful external resource will almost always outperform the flashy campaign that lacks substance. If brands want to create loyalty within this segment, the marketing strategy needs to focus on building trust through transparency, engagement, and useful content.​​​​​​​

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