4 Ways To Launch A New Product Using Video

Launching a new product can be both an art and a science. Once your brand has created something amazing, you want to make it visible to the world and sell it. Your next challenge is to effectively create product awareness and promote it to your prospective buyer. How exactly can you do that?  

In today’s digital era, your immediate thought is probably social media since there are about 3 billion active Internet users and 2 billion active social media accounts. Great place to start, but we recommend posting on your brand's social media accounts with videos that encourage more user engagement than posts with text alone.

While product videos typically write themselves ––the unveiling of new Apple products, for example – this isn’t such a challenging task if you’re not a Fortune 500. Think about infectiously captivating video that has potential to spread. This can help you build awareness within your audience and across different channels, and it would be in a way that makes them excited to share. Here are some ideas on launching a new product using video:



If you want to grow and engage your audience by being honest and transparent, behind the scenes marketing is an effective and increasingly popular marketing strategy. More entrepreneurs and businesses are sharing authentic details and stories about their brands through #BTS videos. Who doesn’t want to see what’s behind the curtain?

Since short video rolled out to Instagram and other social media platforms, many brands have adopted the approach of using video to take the users on a behind-the-scenes adventure –– on the field, at the photo shoot, or in the lab. If you want to offer unique, refreshing, and often surprisingly helpful insights about your products or services, try some examples like these:  


Mini-Ads Series

Companies spend millions of dollars every year on advertising. One technique that these brands use in their campaign is a group of ads that work even better when viewed as a series. In the example below, Fiat turns to FunnyorDie.com to promote their Fiat 500L. The viewer dedicates only a few minutes of their time for a laugh, and the mini-ad generates much broader audience interest due to their affiliation with FunnyorDie.com.

Product/Service Description

The most common type of advertising video shows details about the product the’re trying to promote. In the video below, Moe’s Southwest Grill introduced their new chili con queso in September 2014. They showcased the new menu item’s ingredients in an entertaining way. With one video on Vine and another on YouTube, Moe’s shared both on their Twitter and Facebook pages when the product launched.

Motorola also made a cool video ad to introduce their new Moto X feature that allows you to name your phone and have it respond to your voice:

Tell A Story

People love stories. Storytelling is as old as mankind and it is such a buzzword in marketing these days, because good stories work! Like Gary Vaynerchuck said in this interesting presentation, “Time and attention are commodities in today’s digital era, the way to truly succeed and provide value is to learn to natively story tell on each platform.” Take a look at this Thai Life Insurance ad below and tell me it didn’t pull at your heartstrings:

As always, if you ever need any help with the production of high quality, high impact corporate identity, instructional how-to and product or service showcase videos, please give us a call