How can Marketers Optimize their Content Length for SEO?

If a marketer wants answers around the “ideal” length of a particular piece of content, they will encounter recommendations ranging anywhere from 300 to 2,000 words, each reason having merit. Even though the formula for the perfect content length is not one-size-fits-all, two things have remained a constant for content marketers: quality content ranks well.

How long is too long for a blog? 

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Mascot, Spokesperson, or Theme? How to Bring your Marketing Stories to Life

Marketers tell stories to differentiate their brands from the competition, increase audience engagement, and to bring the brand to life. Since humans are emotional beings, consumers will, most likely, eat up a good brand story. Facts and figures will gain the consumer’s trust, but an entertaining story that moves the consumer to care about the brand leads to trust in addition to loyalty…

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When it Comes to Video Length for Content Marketing, Size Matters

In a world where consumer attention span is reportedly shorter than a goldfish, content creators face a constant challenge of innovating new ways to get noticed or differentiate themselves from competitors.

What can marketers do to set themselves apart? Optimize the length of their content.

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#MarketersBreakfast - Connecting Brands and Agencies with the Best Marketing Tools

Setup is dedicated to bringing together marketers from established brands and top marketing agencies. Each quarter, Setup hosts a #MarketersBreakfast that not only facilitates mixing and mingling but explores a topic that is intriguing and relevant to senior marketers.

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Marketers Ruin Everything - This Time It's Influencer Marketing

There’s a reason why the marketing landscape always changes… it’s because marketers always ruin everything. Marketers have been ruining their own marketing tactics since… always. Five years ago, it was social media. Now, it’s influencer marketing.

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